Venice on board, a row lesson?

Discover the traditional art of rowing, cruising the canals around the Ghetto with Venice on board.

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February 19, 2023
Venice on board, a row lesson?

Venice on Board

The reason why we want to reveal you these secrets is because our aim is to transfer to as many people as possible this tradition that is quickly disappearing.

The furious pace and frenetic rhythms of our world are taking over also in our city that was once known as the “slow living city”.

The “mass tourism” business and the rising of the cost of life, forced many venetians to move from their homes and their unique lifestyle. For most of them it was a painful choice.

This is because Venice, first of all, is a state of mind, a mood between serendipity and astonishment.

Venice is indeed, that magic place that, if lived to the fullest, might reunite the man and the nature between tradition and innovation.

Moreover, the endless natural beauties of the lagoon and the masterpieces built by our ancestors always reserve us some surprises.

None of the true Venetian knows all the details and the particulars of the city. We all are still amazed when, while rowing through the canals, we see a new detail of a palace that we haven’t seen before, and trust me, it happens frequently!

General Tips:
  • Don't picnic in Venice. It is not allowed.
  • Don't feed the pigeons. (That's illegal, too.)
  • Don't be alarmed if you see water oozing out of the drains. (Parts of the Venice often get wet during high tide, usually during winter.)
  • Walk on the right side of the streets, always! The locals are not in holidays...
  • Don't stop on the bridges, they important part of the circulation and it's illegal. Well, if you see you are not preventing the traffic, stay the time to admire the view and make some photos. Then, leave the bridge free. The locals will thank you!